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Fully functional Hobbit pipe Can be smoked 2 ways

Not being fully satisfied about Jethro's Autumn, I modified it.

Jethro's Autumn
Grade = A
Handmade by Elie
Weight = 99grs (with normal mouthpiece)
114grs (with long mouthpiece)
Length 1 (normal mp) = 160mm
Lenght 2 (long mouthpiece) = 316mm
Width = 41mm
Height = 104mm
Tobacco chamber = 19mm
Lip normal mouthpiece = 20mm
Lip long mouthpiece = 14mm
Filter = No
Materials: Spanish plateau briar
+ snake wood
Mouthpiece normal = acrylic, almost 100% handmade
Mouthpiece long = ebonite, 100% handmade
€570,00 (incl. a long and a normal pipe sock [fleece], upholstered wooden box, tamper and both mouthpieces)

  This pipe originated in 2011 and was later modified.

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