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Smoked and refurbished (estate)

System pipes

Unique collectors' item with a history !!!
Quiet Comrade.

For the hardcore, dedicated collector of system pipes: this is a unique pipe-set, smoked by Elie, and refurbished. It was the start of a collaboration with the last machine worker of Mech Tech Inc., makers of the Quiet Comrade before closure of the business.  Bodies, system mouthpieces and briar blanks were available, but no bowls.  The attachment system at the bottom was very hard to replicate, and many people told me that I wouldn't succeed.  But I did.  Many of the original bowls came back to the Mech Tech factory, or the pipe was thrown away in those days, because the cone and the bowl broke off.  I improved things, and in all those years, not a single one was returned.  (Still proud of that)  A few hundred bowls in total have been made for my website (Elie's Comrade and Kool Comrade) and for the machinists' eBay shop (Quiet Comrade Special Edition).  Now that I'm getting older, I want to transfer this piece of radiator pipe history to a dedicated collector.
This set consists of:
- A refurbished original (reinforced) Quiet Comrade, smoked by me.
- The original box.
- The documents that were provided with each pipe.
2 are originals, 1 is a copy.
- An original briar blank, as used by Mech Tech Inc. to make bowls.
- The first attempt to make a new attachment system (right side bowl).
- The first bowl with a copied and improved bottom-cone.
The wood has a crack in it, but can be smoked if wanted.  Olive wood.
6mm filters are available here.
This collectors' item: only €85,00

There are several other estate system pipes of various brands on sale, but pictures still have to be made.
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