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Metal system 'machine age' pipes

On this page, you will find metal smoking pipes of which I build some parts myself, or completely made by me.  As far as I know, I am the only pipe maker who makes unique system pipes, on an artisan scale, in the whole world.

Most of my pipes are REALLY unique, not 'unique' as in 'make your choice among these standard bodies, standard bowls, etc.', as is claimed by an American pipe factory. (It's not even sure that they make them themselves nowadays). So, please, don't compare my prices with those of mass produced (computer, CNC guided) pipes.

ALL of my pipes, especially the ones equipped with the ESuperKool system (ESK), leave other brands of system pipes far behind: they smoke A LOT cooler and dryer.  (And I'm proud of that.)  The ESuperKool system forces the smoke towards the surface of the body.  You will agree after your first smoke. Myself, most of the time, I smoke a system pipe made by me: pure, cool and dry taste.

(Some personal advise: I prefer the mat black ones : they are the top in smoking quality.  Because they dissipate much more heat to the surrounding air.  Because of that: their system body gets less hot, radiating the heat actively into the air.  Beforehand, my text here mentioned that black bodies were hotter on the fingers. This was illogical and now proven by measurements. It's logical: faster and more efficient dissipation of heat cools the body more. Sorry about that.)

Best to clean after every 1 or 2 pipes (simple and fast): you'll be amazed what amount of tar and juice is filtered out by the ESuperKool system.  Makes a 9mm filter look pale. Yes: I'm proud of my invention.  Because it WORKS!)

On this page, you'll see thumbnails to be clicked to go to the designated pages.

These pictures do not always represent the pipes that are on the pages.  They might be sold, and/or new models of that series added.

They are sometimes only examples of that series.


EKool aluminum pipe set
EKool aluminum pipe set







EKool Curved                 Waldorf


d'ElieSmoke             Symbio
                    Symbio pipe set
FalconĀ® by Elie

KirstenĀ®  E-style

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